Ciscon Services

Ciscon is an indigenous Nigerian company which provides various products and technical services to the petroleum industry. At Ciscon, we focus on excellence. In addition to this, we have employed proven business strategies, which distinguish our quality of services.

  • Management team with over 80 years of combined oil field experience
  • Indigenous Nigerian Company with appropriate executive involvement
  • Employee proven business strategies to distinguish our quality of service
  • Encourage "hands-on", dynamic and entrepreneurial management style
  • Maintain a work environment that motivates and rewards employees
  • Evaluate research and development of technological advances in the industry
  • Deliver novel technology of products and services
  • Committed to safe system of work, safe equipment, personal protective equipment and appropriate training to all staff to ensure that gains derivable are adequately harnessed.
Ciscon's Training Services

Your company's management and leadership define your business' future. Strengthen your organization from the top down with our proven leadership development training.
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Nigerian Compound: The Shawsand Estate
Shawsand Estates Limited
Your Place of Work *
Your Home *
Your Place Of Relaxation *

“Indulging you with safety and comfort”

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Annual Offshore Technology Conference "OTC"
Visit the Ciscon Services booth for Nigeria

Reliant Stadium,
Houston, Texas

SON NIS ISO 9001:2000 National Certification

CISCON has obtained ISO 9001:2001 quality management certification.


CISCON NIGERIA LIMITED is a fully Nigerian owned company, providing a range of services to the Oil and Gas and Solid Minerals Industries.

From its humble beginning in 1986, CISCON now operates from four centers - its headquarters in Port Harcourt and branch offices in Warri offices provide Geological, Engineering, Training and Consulting services, while the Lagos Office as a Liaison centre.

In accordance with our operating maxim - Focusing on Excellence, CISCON is committed to delivery of quality Services to all its clients in the safest, cost-effective and most efficient way possible. CISCON has obtained ISO 9001:2001 quality management certification.

With a staff strength of over 200, composed of some of the finest professionals in their respective fields, CISCON is equiped for the challenges of today and poised for those of the future, in the Oil and Gas and Solid Minerals Industries.