Ciscon Hammer Services
Ciscon Hydrohammer Services uses a state-of-the-art hydraulic pile driving system known as the S90 Hydrohammer to drive conductors and pipe into the earth to create a foundation for a new oil or gas well. As it is designed for driving piles on or offshore, the Hydrohammer can also be used to efficiently drive large piles for the purpose of constructing buildings or bridges.
Its competitive advantage lies within the outstanding quality of the system, and the experienced team that operates it. The Hydrohammer delivers precise, concentrated blows to the piling column, driving piles deeper and faster than any other methods. This results in an extremely efficient conductor driving operation - with a 100% efficiency ratio - saving the customer time and money. In addition, the process is extremely safe. The Hydrohammer is equipped with a safety feature that automatically shuts the system down should a pile penetrate ahead of the hammer, blow energy is set too high or the system is positioned incorrectly. The Hydrohammer is one single unit with no external moving parts. The hydraulic circuit is completely enclosed eliminating spillage.
Other advantages of the S-90 Hydrohammer are:
- S-90 hammer operates at any angle, even horizontally using the cap pressure.
- S-90 is suitable to drive and extract piles.
- A printer can be hooked up to print the report of the piling operation.
- S-90 can be used offshore or onshore in air or submerged underwater.
- S-90 can pass through the rotary table of the drilling rig.
- All relevant components have been tested for piling at depths of up to 2,000 meters. In principle, this hammer can operate in deep water.