Ciscon Services

We provide Well Completion Services with equipment that meets AISI standards. CISCON has completed numerous wells including an intelligent well.

Liner Hanger services became one of our product lines in 1999. Since then we have demonstrated professionalism through a strategic partnership with the Smith International Incorporated (Lindsey Group) who provides the technology, training and support, while CISCON provides management, staff and supervision. We have successfully ran several liner hanger systems.

This has been one of our services since inception. Tubular Sevices is our "household name".

Geological Services came into our product line around 1995. Presently, we cover over 4 rigs in Mud Logging. Our services include, but are not limited to Analytical, Chemical Sales, Hydro physical and Engineering Geological Investigation, Environmental Studies, Resource Evaluation of Minerals Services e.t.c. We have a strategic partnership with Stratagraph Incorporated.

Drilling Tools Rental Services started with the inception of CISCON. We provide drilling tools equipments to the oil and gas industry.

Through partnership arrangement with Davies Lynch we supply Cementing aids equipments and services to the oil and gas industry.

Fully developed Machine Shop equipped to handle all challenges in the present oil, gas and marine industry that is of standard.