Ciscon Services
What's New
Staff Cooperative Society
A brand new idea through which our staff have pulled resources together as a means of helping themselves at times of great financial straits »
Staff Forum
Here, our staff can stay in touch with each other, even when on vacation in distant lands. »
Meet our New Staff
Renowned Geologist, Dr.Joe Ejedawe, joined us from Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria... »

You can trust us to deliver top-notch SERVICES

When it comes to Mudlogging, Prospect Evaluation, Regional Geology, Reservoir Modelling, and Training in the Geosciences, CISCON Geological Services is a trusted name. With our state-of-the-art equipments, well-trained personnel with industry experience, we give our clients some of the best services in the oil industry in Nigeria. Read more about us here and our trail-blazing parent company, Ciscon Nigeria Limited.

Core Services

Reservoir Modelling / G & G
Prospect Evaluation We apply an integrated workflow that includes seismic and petrophysical analysis tied to field analogs, where possible.Successful field development is what we ensure our clients get.
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Prospect Evaluation
Prospect Evaluation Our years of experience prospecting for hydrocarbons in the Nigerian Niger Delta,and different parts of the world gives us a rich and diverse experience base.This is what we offer all our clients,giving them good value for their money.
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Prospect Evaluation Mudlogging is one of our core expertise.We do not hesitate to say that we are the best indeginous company in Nigeria in this field,and we are determined to be the very best!
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Regional Geology
We understand the Geology of Nigeria all too well.Little wonder the big names in the industry depend on us to impart this knowledge to their geoscientists and petroleum engineers.
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We offer comprehensive training programs focused on building the knowledge of geoscientists and petroleum engineers cutting across field studies, seismo-sequence stratigraphy, reservoir modelling and simulation.
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