Ciscon Services

Ciscon Training Services

Ciscon Services' executive offices are located in West Houston in the beautiful Millennium Tower. Let us host your next meeting in our boardroom or in our state-of-the-art Training Facility.

Are You Confident in Your Organization's Strength?

Your company's management and leadership define your business' future. Strengthen your organization from the top down with our proven leadership development training.

Get and keep your employees motivated with customized programs geared towards Organizational Development.

Ciscon Services helps companies discover and harness the competitive advantages that are possible through strong leadership. We are committed to adding measurable business value and assisting your management team with developing your organization to its full potential. We will impart business values through experienced professionals, using a workshop-based, interactive, consulting and training approach. We incorporate the core business of the petroleum Industry into our management courses. All courses can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

LDW 001 Leadership Development Workshop
The focus in this training course is on learning leadership and understanding how it's applies to your core business. This allows the adult learner to instantly transfer leadership principles back into business realities and make immediate impact.

BST 101 Balanced Scorecard Training
This hands-on training course illustrates to participants how to build and implement to a balanced scorecard strategic management system for your organization, public or private. It includes a personalized workshop to allow you to get started in developing the balanced scorecard for your own organization.

ABST 201 Advanced Balanced Scorecard Training
This advanced course is framed to help organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into operational objectives that drive both performance and behavior. It is a management system that uses measurement to provide feedback on internal processes and external outcomes in order to improve strategic performance and operational results.

Courses/Field Seminar
We offer a small range of customized field courses to professionals in the Petroleum and Solid Minerals industries. We promote high-resolution outcrop studies through organized field meetings. These courses include:

BSF 100 Basic Field Seminar
A 2-5 days integrated course organized for young geologists, petroleum engineers, and reservoir geologists. It provides basic information on sedimentary and depositional processes/stacking patterns of sediments and depositional environments. Participants visit selected exposures.

HG 101 Holiday Geology
A 2-7 days trip through selected routes within the country designed to create an environment for interaction between technical and non-technical managerial staff away from the office environment, but with a chance to visit places of historic and cultural interest, and still focus on the primary business through examination of exposures of reservoir rocks their inherent rock properties vis-à-vis production problems.

Let us work with you to narrow the scope of problem areas, and propose a work plan designed specifically to add value to your organization. Ciscon will explicit business value through experienced professionals using a workshop based, interactive, fixed- priced consulting and training approach.