Ciscon Services
What's New
Staff Cooperative Society
A brand new idea through which our staff have pulled resources together as a means of helping themselves at times of great financial straits »
Staff Forum
Here, our staff can stay in touch with each other, even when on vacation in distant lands. »
Meet our New Staff
Renowned Geologist, Dr.Joe Ejedawe, joined us from Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria... »

Regional Geology

Our Regional Geology include the following:

  • Hydrogeophysical/Water Treatment Services
  • Field mapping of outcrops
    Regional Geology
    Identifying outcrops.
    Describing their different lithofacies and building litho-logs.
    Sample collection and administration.
    Describe cores and ditch cutting samples and build up their lithologs etc
    Wire line logs correlation
    Integration of Wire line logs into regional chronostratigraphic framework
    Building of static geological/depositional models of the reservoir rocks
  • Analytical studies on outcrop samples, cores and ditch cutting.
    Regional Geology
    Sedimentological Analysis
    Lithologic (binocular) description for textural and structural characteristics.
    Grain size analysis of sand samples to define textural parameters and/or distinguish facies within a sequence.
    Paleocurrent analysis.
    Biostatigraphic analysis: Paleontological and paynological analyses for age determinations, sequence stratigraphy and correlation.
    Rock evaluation analysis for source rock valuation.