Ciscon Services

Rental Tools

Our Tool Rentals Unit has a well-diversified inventory to meet the demands of the Oil and Gas industry. The tools include: Drilling stabilizers, Subs, Ditch Magnets, High Tensile Drill Pipes, Drill Collars, HWDP, Drill Pipe Pump, Joints, Elevators, (HYT, HYC, YC etc.),

Rotary Slips (Drill Pipes and Drill Collars), Zip Lifts, Cross-over Subs, Cameron Iron Works 13 5/8" 5m, 10m, 15m, B.O.P. Rams (Center Bore, Offsets, Dual Offsets, VBR, Dual Flex Packers, Dual Centralizing), Stabilizers, Casing Scrapers, TIW Safety Valves, Gray Inside B.O.P.'s and a host of other Rental Tools.