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Mudlogging Unit

Ciscon Geological Services offers the E & P industry an integrated mud-logging/gas referencing service as part of its Well Formation Evaluation functions.

Formation Evaluation from the mud-logging perspective encompasses data gathering and analysis of geological and engineering parameters either by manual input or in the form of computerized synthesis of data sets acquired via a array of sensors.

The management of these pieces of information demonstrates the ability to depict an oil well as a graphic display of logs and reports,containing composite information which must serve as a decision-making tool.Most importantly, these information must be available both on the well site and at the base office accessed in real-time and in usable format.

Our units belong to a new breed of advanced integrated technology that provides a revolutionary data management capability at the well site.Thus,the data gathered and analysed by the geological component of the unit can be integrated with data sets acquired by other service companies and operator's systems to create a single information centre.Typical additional data include wireline logs, MWD and directional data, all of which can be extended to encompass drilling equipment inventory.


The following standard duties are performed during any single mudlogging operation:

  • Continuous logging of total gas and chromatograph analysis for hydrocarbon.
  • Detailed cuttings anaylsis, description lithology and detailed hydrocarbon evaluation at intervals determined by client.
  • Packing of geologial samples.
  • Appropriate measurement and entry of bulk formation density.
  • Evaluation of all geological data collected and computed by the logging unit/system.
  • Correlation of cuttings lithology, gas analysis and hydrocarbon evaluation to reference materials provided by client and done to standard.
  • Provision of daily logs/reports as required by client.
  • Detailed geological descriptions of cores during coring/core-catching operations.
  • Monitoring and analysis of drilling operations and recording of all data real-time.
  • Preparation of computer processed prints, and plots of recorded raw and calculated data from the standard suite of programs in the logging system. This will include data from all drilling and mud monitoring, formation pressure analysis and other formats at client's request.
  • Provision of daily or weekly reports on current drilling conditions as requested by client and/or its drilling representative on site.

In addition to the above,CGS also supply experienced wellsite geologists, and assist in training client's personnel to achieve desired proficiency.